#1 Deals for Hotels in Stockholm > Best PRICE on Stockholm city hotels

”Try the Scandinavian Style of Hotels...”

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HotellStockholm.com provides widgets for your website. They are all free and can easily be posted on your website or blog. Simply copy and paste the code below and select the appropriate widget size.

Why use a hotel widget?

Visitors to travel or transport related sites often appreciate interesting widgets. Having hotel widgets makes your own content more varied and frequently updated with real time data. Once installed, you don't have to do anything. The widget will update several times a day, "automagically".

How we started this initiative

Hotell Stockholm decided to develop two different hotels widgets following surveys of our guests. The first widget measures which hotel in Stockholm gives the most stars for money. Often it is possible to find centrally located 4-star hotels with great ambience for under 1000 per night.

The second hotel widget provides real time updates about 'the best grade for money'. So if you would like a cool hotel and don't enjoy browsing around for hours to find the best deal, this is the widget for you. Our travel specialists have gone through 1000s of reviews and figured which hotels earlier visitors find most worth their money.

Choose which widget you want to read more about:  

  • ››Most stars for your money
  • ››Best rating for your money
  • ››Best rating per star

    Example of one of our widgets

    Questions regarding our hotel widgets?

    If you have any questions or problems with the widget, do not hesitate to contact us. Please note that we are unable to provide support on general programming or HTML questions.

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      By seperating hotels into neightbourhoods we made it simply to find what you're looking for.